Some thoughts on social.

Social media is not traditional. Using it is anything but run-of-the-mill. It is ever-evolving and ever-growing. It has effectively changed our global culture within a decade of existence. And it's not going away anytime soon.

I believe that utilizing the collective power of social and digital media is essential to the success of any brand wanting to keep up with the masses in today’s marketplace - no matter the product, or industry. 

Simply put, social media content and campaigns are the keys to driving home a core message and building affinity in the digital age.

Chances are, most people you know can send a tweet about their Unicorn frap experience at Starbucks or post a video of their cat getting scared by a cucumber on Instagram. But most people don’t know how data-driven strategy should inform the content produced. Or how paid-media coupled with targeting can increase reach and engagement. These are the things that can turn a brand's digital presence from "we're just there" to "we have a purpose".

To me, having a social presence means you do not stop at the national or cultural borders. The digital age allows us to use media and social marketing in ways only dreamed by marketers just a generation ago. It's the key to going from a regional brand to an international name. Of course, you need to craft a message that resonates with audiences all over the world; understanding how audiences act in different regions is essential for strategizing long term goals, as well as informing content executions. Cultural norms, religious factors, politics, slang terms, legalities, and preferred platforms are all things that must be considered and carefully planned around. If you don't, you run the risks of wasting time and resources, and you may even put your digital reputation in danger - and that is not easily repaired, especially on a global level.

Content is king no matter where you go in the world, and if you do it right, you will get eyes from Des Moines to Dubai. Over the years, I've seen a lot of marketing executions and strategies on how to reach and connect with audiences across mediums and media, and today, I'm more of an advocate for social media than ever because of it. The loudest bullhorn for your brand? Social. The easiest way to target quality audience members? Social. The medium that's a daily part of nearly every single person on earth? That would be social media. 

Social media is here to stay. It may evolve over the coming years, but the concept of connection via digital networks is established, and is now a source of major income for media publishers. It's up to those who take on the challenge of social to not only thrive in a 24/7 type of atmosphere, but understand the importance of planning and data distillation to make the content experience worthwhile, not only for the end-user, but for the goals and objectives of the brand.




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